Underwater Systems Day 2

November 17, 2010

Last Friday the students finished up their underwater scratch art scenes.  Many students found their preliminary sketches to be quite helpful for envisioning their final product:

Many students couldn’t stand the scratchy sound that the toothpicks made on the paper.  Fortunately there were headphones in the room that students could use to dampen the sound.

After they were finished scratching, students made mounts for their images with construction paper.  Here are some finished products:

Finishing the underwater systems project did not take the whole period so students were able to work on unfinished masks and city sculptures.  Here’s a mask that got finished:

Also, many students felt that there city sculptures would be better with some paint:

All in all, it was a very productive day!

Under Water World Day 1

November 3, 2010

So we began the day with some computer problems. Unfortunately Morgan could not project her power point for all the class to see, but luckily she brought her computer so she was able to continue. The students all sat on the red rug and watched the power point from her labtop.


This third project is about aborigional art. They discuss the different subject matter such as different underwater creatures. They also discussed the different symbols and colors that appear in aborigional art. The students will be making an underwater creature of their choice in scratch art paper. Morgan handed out some paper for the students to make some sketches. Then the students began to work on their drawings.

All of the students really enjoyed creating a creature. There wasn’t a single student who didn’t particpate. It was really neat to see the little artists at work. It was amazing to see the different imaginations coming to play in their drawings.

An octopus-like creature

The students had to complete three sketches before they got their scratch- art. Their scratch art paper comes in a rainbow style or just one color. The students get to chose the color they wanted. I was a little surprised that every student didn’t want the multi-colored.

By the time most students recieved their scratch art paper it was time to clean up.The students did great today and we are excited to see what next week will bring!